AEO – Aerospace Engineering Office
Company Profile
AEO, located closely to Zurich, provides engineering consultancy in aeronautical and space, as well as other projects for more than 25 years. AEO covers a broad experience in an extremely wide field. AEO provides advanced FE analysis, space R & D, system engineering, mechatronic design, testing and software development. AEO is experienced in broad spectrum of hardware, especially advanced lightweight construction (space & vehicle structures, scientific experi-ments, mechanisms, etc.).
• System Engineering & Mechatronics
• Computational & Mathematical Methods
• Mech. Engineering (Development & Analysis)
• Testing
• Software Development (technical & scientific)

Some Space Contracts
ESA: CTS Solar Array, Space Debris Software, Launcher Dev. S/W, Advanced Design Verifi-cation, Design Sensitivity & Model Updating, Comprehensive Solar Array Analysis, Cover mechanism (BB & SM for SOHO/VIRGO), D & A for XMM-EOM Detector Box. NASA: RMS Kin-ematical Model. BAe: Large flexible solar array. PILATUS: ARIANE Payload Fairing (Testing), PC-7 & PC-9 (Structural Analysis). DS/ESA: STACE (Launcher System Development Software). RUAG (SF Emmen): SPACE LAB FOD. CSAG: Structural Analysis of OTS, ARIANE Fairing, Inflatable Antenna Structure, ECS Yoke, ERS-1, DELTA Shroud, etc.

AEO - Aerospace Engineering Office
P.O.Box 310
CH-8855 Wangen SZ (Switzerland)

Phone +41 55 460 21 00
